iPhone-Shaped Coffee Table
Now, keep in mind, this is not one of those scam cases in which the delivery guy had something to do with it. Instead, this an order-gone-wrong as the teenager reportedly did not read the product description before finalizing the purchase. He probably saw the first image and the cheap price tag and instantly went ahead to pay the money to get it. When the delivery came, one look at the delivery package and the teenager knew that something was wrong. Well, it was obvious that there isn’t a 6.7-inch iPhone inside the 6-feet tall box. And when he finally opened the box, he got an iPhone alright but just not the kind he expected.
It was a huge iPhone replica with slots to put four stands on each of the corners underneath to turn it into a coffee table. Yes, that is what the teen got. An iPhone-shaped coffee table!
Legend Says He Is Drinking Coffee Ever Since…
Following this incident, the boy shared some of the images on social platforms and it immediately went viral. And by the looks of it, the teenager does not seem to be less happy for not getting an actual iPhone. Or maybe he is just slightly happy that he now has an iPhone-design table to show off. I don’t know, I am just guessing! However, let me know what you think about the iPhone coffee table in the comments below. And if you are someone who is into iPhone-shaped coffee tables, then you can check one out right here.